בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

מה שבא בנושאי אולטימייט

מנהל: אחראי Ultimate

בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי Hartzlav » ד' אוגוסט 08, 2012 2:26 am

שלוש נבחרות נוער יוצאות לאליפות העולם בדבלין...כבוד!!!
בהצלחה!!! אתם כבר אלופים!
שאפו ענק לאנשים היקרים ב Flow , בהנהגת דן תפוח,שעבדו קשה לגרום לזה לקרות.
Tomer Levy
Regional Director – Middle East
Ultimate peace Inc. (USA)
(Tel) +972 52 3941444
(Fax) +972 9 7460614
סמל אישי של המשתמש
BulaFLOW organizer
הודעות: 209
הצטרף: ש' יולי 30, 2005 5:44 am
מיקום: שדה וורבורג

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי Dori » ד' אוגוסט 08, 2012 1:59 pm

בהצלחה לכולם.
פרוייקט גדול מאוד ועתיר משאבים.

כל הכבוד למתחרים על ההשקעה הגדולה במהלך השנה,
למאמני הנבחרת - אתם עושים קסמים!!!
להורים כמובן!!!

ולצוות FLOW שעובד שעות מטורפות כדי שהכל יצא לפועל.

יאללה, תביאו מדליה....אם לא באולימפיאדה אז לפחות באליפות העולם באולטימייט!!!
Go with Your FLOW
סמל אישי של המשתמש
זורק ספין על
הודעות: 6336
הצטרף: ה' ינואר 08, 2004 10:19 am
מיקום: Tel Aviv - Israel

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ד' אוגוסט 08, 2012 2:57 pm

Thank you Tomer and Dori. I too expect GREAT things from our young players.

For those of you wondering, I will be trying to do daily updates again this year. Because a number of people who are not on this board have also asked me to include them, I may post my updates elsewhere. If I do, there will also be a corresponding post here on frisbee.co.il of either the entire content or a link to my post.

I write in English, because by the end of a long tournament day I don't have the energy or time to write everything I want to say in Hebrew. My apologies to anyone who is put off by that.

Coach, Israeli Junior Women

Dori - I've remembered to include the LTR tag!!
הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי MikePres » ש' אוגוסט 11, 2012 7:12 pm

בהצלחה להם! אני מקווה שיש מתעדים בוידאו גם, שיהיה במה לצפות אח"כ...
Keep it Real on the Flip Side
סמל אישי של המשתמש
הודעות: 22
הצטרף: ש' יוני 02, 2012 10:04 pm
מיקום: קרית ביאליק

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי Dori » ב' אוגוסט 13, 2012 2:24 pm

היי אייב,
לידיעתך, הנושא הזה הועבר לפורום אולטימייט שיחה חופשית
כלומר כל מי שרוצה יכול לקרוא - לא צריך להיות רשומים

ואם מדברים על עידכונים,
אז הנה כמה תמונות מהתחרות (תודות לדן)


adc216 כתב:
Thank you Tomer and Dori. I too expect GREAT things from our young players.

For those of you wondering, I will be trying to do daily updates again this year. Because a number of people who are not on this board have also asked me to include them, I may post my updates elsewhere. If I do, there will also be a corresponding post here on frisbee.co.il of either the entire content or a link to my post.

I write in English, because by the end of a long tournament day I don't have the energy or time to write everything I want to say in Hebrew. My apologies to anyone who is put off by that.

Coach, Israeli Junior Women

Dori - I've remembered to include the LTR tag!!
Go with Your FLOW
סמל אישי של המשתמש
זורק ספין על
הודעות: 6336
הצטרף: ה' ינואר 08, 2004 10:19 am
מיקום: Tel Aviv - Israel

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ג' אוגוסט 14, 2012 1:40 am

OK.... Finally, I've got computer access, internet access, and a couple minutes of downtime. I'm going to try to write every day, but with the limited access I can't promis much of anything. Also, I'm spending most of my time with the Junior Women, so that's what I know. I'll try to get something about all the games, but again - no promises.

Enough excuses - It's now Monday evening, and we've already had a full day of tournament action with all three Israeli teams involved in the fun.

Festivities started off last night with a parade of nations followed by the showcase game, featuring the Israeli U20 team against Columbia. Israel's U20 also played in the showcase game last year at the European Championships in Poland, and the rumors flying around is that we are such prolific cheerers that they can't help but showcase us. Few complaints from here.

The game itself started of hot, with both teams trading points and breaks, D's and hucks. Columbia took halftime at 9-6, and then never looked back. Their athleticism and the depth of their bench meant they just were not getting tired. Our guys never gave up and kept fighting to the end, but the Columbians were just too much.

Today we woke up to a light rain, and a full slate of six games - two for each team.

U20 Boys started the morning off against Austria, looking to get back on track but facing the runner's up from last years European Championships. The game was a wild back and forth affair with each team going on runs, 8-5 bad guys at the half. Israel fought back to 11-9 good guys. Austria battled back to 11's, Israel struggled to 14-11 by which point the cap had been set at 15. Not intent on letting anything be easy, the Austrians pulled it all the way back to 14-14 - Universe Point. The guys regrouped and wouldn't let a little run of points by the Austrians break their spirit. After a huck just out of reach put the Austrians on their endline, the Israeli D wouldn't give them any room at all. After a turn, a sweet layout from Max going up the line the guys finally punched it into the endzone for the game winning point.

A short break for lunch and the U20 boys were back at it, this time against Switzerland. Israel came out sluggish, their tired legs let the Swiss jump out to the halftime lead. The halftime motivational speech by from the coaches lit the spark under the guys, and the second half looked totally different. Hard D and constant pressure crushed the Swiss attack, leading to a 13-10 Team Israel win, a 2-0 record for the day and 2-1 for the tournament.

U20 play a final pool game against Japan tomorrow. A win puts them through to the power pool - meaning playing for position to the knockout rounds. A loss means waiting for the results of the rest of the pools games.

The U17 team opened their tournament against the local Irish team. They are a new team that hasn't been practicing for very long, and the Israeli's relative experience showed in a comfortable 15-1 win. Team Israel collected two goals by Callahan along with numerous layout D's.

After lunch, U17 met a strong Italian team. Finding themselves facing a tough 4-man cup, they guys struggle in the first half and went down 8-4. After some adjustments to the offense and some sweet D's from Dror (laying out) and Ali, (standing up) Team Israel fought back, but couldn't get it all the way. Italy took the game 15-9, leaving U17 with a 1-1 record and an big battle with Britain for second place in the group tomorrow.

The Junior Women opened their World Championships against Team USA, one of the top teams in the tournament. The game was tough for the Israeli Women, and despite some great playing including a flying layout D from Haviva in the endzone against a former teammate, the Americans were just too talented. They took the game 17-0, but the spirit circle and spirit games took nearly as much time and everyone was just as invested in it.

After lunch the girls faced off against an Australian team that is also highly regarded, and they too lived up to the hype. While this game didn't feel as one sided as the morning match, the score was similar. Team Israel put in their first goal of the tournament in the first half. After switching up D strategies in the second half, they were able to double that output. While commendable, it wasn't enough to dent the Australian's lead. One of the oddest plays of the day came on a rare Israeli pull, where Haviva took a running start and landed flat on her back. Before anyone could react she poped up as only Haviva can and launched the pull down field. Also of note was a deep huck by the Australians landed harmlessly in the grass, but play was stopped by an injury call. The Aussie thrower's followthrough had caught Shachar in the bridge of her nose, she was able to shake it off and continue playing, but the rumors mill is saying that the Australian is now in a cast.

The 17-3 loss puts Team Israel in a tough position in the group, but after having played the top two teams to start pool play, there is cautious optimism that tomorrows games agains a new Russian team and an U17 Austrian team will go a little better.

I think that's enough for tonight. Yarden needs his computer back to download all the footage we were able to get of the U17, which means there might be video highlights on the horizon.

I'll try to check back in tomorrow evening with Tuesday's results. Either way, check out our twitter (http://twitter.com/israelultimate) for live tweets from the fields and the minds of some very tired coaches.

There are pictures on Dan's flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/57619088@N07/) and there may be some coming soon to FLOW's (http://www.flickr.com/photos/86721684@N00/) as well.

I would also suggest checking the tournament website (wjuc2012.com) but for some reason we can't access it from here.

Good night, talk to you tomorrow!

Coach, Israeli Junior Women
הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ד' אוגוסט 15, 2012 2:22 am

Another day down, and another day of Ultimate is in the books.

The Junior Open team finished off their pool play against Japan this afternoon. A tight back and forth first half was filled with numerous long points and tough D. Towards the end of the half Max went down with a hamstring injury, putting a damper on proceedings and Japan took the half at 6-5. Team Israel was exhausted from the first half and couldn't match the Japanese energy during a 5 point run. The boys in Blue and White fought back, but couldn't catch up. 15-9 to the Japanese, and it looks like Max might be out for a while. We are going to re-evaluate his leg in the morning.

Despite the tough loss, Israel finished the group 3rd sending them up to Power Pool F. In this pool, and it's partner Power Pool E, the top four of six move on to quarter finals. The two losses, against Columbia and Japan count here too, but games against Sweden and Canada tomorrow and Britain on Thursday give Israel a real chance to continue on. In the overall division table, Israel is sitting in a 6 way tie for 8th place, just above their initial 13 seed. (How can 8th be just a hair above 13th? Think about it some more, and maybe I'll revisit if it's still not clear)

The U17's lone game of the day also finished their pool play. A kick ass zone D kept Great Britain in check during the first half. Israel took the half 8-1, but GB had re-focused and the second half was a hotly contested and even affair. Not enough to over come the first half, and Israel took the game 15-9 to finish 2nd in the group.

Now in Power Pool C, Israel has to play the top two teams from the other pool, France tomorrow and Germany on Wednesday. The top two teams (The fourth being the Italian team that finished first in our pool) move on to a semifinal with the winners of a crossover between the bottom two in this group and the top two in the placement pool. It's complicated, but it makes sure everyone gets a good number of games and answers the question of how to find a winner out of 9 teams. Israel is currently in 4th in the overall division standing, one spot under their initial seed.

The Junior Women opened Day 2 with a match-up against an Austrian U17 team. After yesterdays tough games against two top teams, the girls were a little down on themselves and let the Austrians jump out to an early lead. Frustration built on frustration, and nothing seemed to be working. Austria's D was smothering, not letting anything go up field. The 12-4 loss left the girls with a lot of long faces and bowed heads.

They regrouped, reset, and after a little confusion found the field for the much anticipated rematch with a British team we've developed a rivalry with over the past two years. At the World Championships in Germany two years ago, the 13th place game was a battle between these same two teams. It ended 14-13 to GB with both sides wanting a rematch. At last years European Championships GB and Israel met in their opening game, only to see GB blow the game open early. All season, Team Israel's veterans have been looking forward to a rematch with the Brits, and when the pools were announced, no one was more excited by this match up then them.

After the hype, the game opened with each team trading a couple points. After the initial realization that we were actually in this game, we let GB get back the lead, but then surged ahead again. With just a point to half at 8-6, GB turned on the jets and took half 9-8. Down, but not out, the girls made the adjustments and re-focused on what was at hand. The second half was more back and forth, with just a bit more forth than back, leading up to an exciting game point. 14-12 Israel, game to 15 and GB scored. Israel took the pull and moved up field. Roni, one of our first year players who has really stepped up during the tournament, (Really, they've all stepped up their game, but right now I'm plugging Roni) stumbled during a catch near the end zone and landed awkwardly on her leg. With the disc securely in her hand, but not getting up, other players and coaches called injury and stopped play. Roni slowly got up, and worked her leg a little making sure it all worked. Everyone was asking her if she wanted to come off, or if she was ok, when one of the GB players pointed out that she had to come out. (An injury call not resulting from contact with an opponent requires the injured player to sub out.) Roni literally stood their hugging the disc, not wanting to come out. With all of our hearts breaking for her, who would want to come out with the disc in their had mere feet from a winning goal, we were able to get her to relent. Chemo, who all year has been talking about wanting to beat GB in a well fought game, came in to replace her and promptly threw the game winning score. Pandemonium ensued.

The post game team meeting was emotional, as you might imagine after such an intense game. The players were reminded of what winning feels like, and the coaches were relived that the players would be able to go home with at least something. The transformation in the team over the past two days has been really great to see. Over the past days we've seen them learn and grow within the game at an amazing pace. Today they were picking up new strategies put out there by the coaches at an amazing speed. Keeping up this new-found confidence will bring about much future success.

Tomorrow morning the Israeli Women take on Russia in the final Pool game. If the other pool games (specifically GB-Australia) play out as expected, Israel should finish 3rd in the group with a win. 3rd place leads to a crossover game later in the afternoon for the right to play in the quarter finals. Anything else and it's placements games the rest of the way. Israel is in a 7-way tie for 9th in the overall division table, like the boys right around their initial seeding.

For those wondering where the stats are, the tournament isn't recording goals and assists this year, and isn't posting game reports at all. So this is what we have.

For those who like their ultimate highlights and recaps in video form, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31XLgUApGJw
There is a special prize on the table for anyone who can spot the Israeli Women's highlight posted by the same user. I'll give you a hint: Israel isn't in the title of the video, and most of what you see is your intrepid reporter standing on the sidelines.

Don't forget to check out twitter (@israelultimate) for real time updates, humor, witty banter, and non-sequiturs.

See you tomorrow.

הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ה' אוגוסט 16, 2012 2:33 am

A short update today after what turned out to be a very wet day with a lot of schedule changes.

All three teams got to the fields a little early today and had a chance to watch a bit of the Germany/USA Open game. While some of the players were wowed by what they saw, others put on more of an 'I could do that too' sort of atitude.

We opened play with the Women taking on Russia and the Open (U20) against GB. [I know yesterday I said the U20 would open against Sweden, and the internet schedule still says that, but the schedule on the fields had the game against GB... blame them not me!] The rain started during warm-ups, and didn't really let up until well after we had gotten off the fields. While there were many factors, and it's hard to pinpoint what went wrong for each team, bot games were very lopsided against our boys and girls. Weather was a factory, but enough to be the sole reason.

Half way through the games a massive branch crashed under the stress of the wind onto a mass of people taking shelter. Luckily there were no serious injuries (from what we hear) but the U20 and U17 coaches were right there helping get the branch off of the unlucky players underneath. Unlike storms I'm used to there was absolutely no sign of lightning, and really no reason not to continue playing especially if you like to be cold and wet.

The games were ended early by the tournament director, from what we understand mostly because of the state of the fields. By this point they were now mostly mud patches.

As the storm continued, all games were postponed until at least four in the afternoon and it looks like some of the fields near where the tree fell will not be returned to. The Irish news media is calling this the worst storm in 25 years. (http://www.herald.ie/news/worst-storm-in-25-years-3201142.html)

After a long break, soup, laundry, and a break in the rain Israel U17 took on France on a fresh field that hadn't been used until this point and was tricky for some of us to find. Israel took half at 8-2 with both French scores coming late. The second half went similar with Israel taking the game in the end 14-4 after giving up a couple late goals.

With the weather cancelations and field changes the schedule and even the tournament format are in flux. We are not sure of anything regarding tomorrow other than that we expect some games.

Stay warm and dry,
הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ו' אוגוסט 17, 2012 9:26 am

It's Friday morning and we are scrambling to figure out todays schedule and get ready for the day.

The U20's took on Canada and Sweden. The games were both close back and forth battles for the first handful of points until the Canadians and then the Swedes pulled away. This leaves Israel bottom of their Power Pool and playing today against Austria for the right to play Japan or Russia for 9th place.

The U17 boys faced off against Germany in the final game of their power pool. With the Israel/Germany semi-final all but set, this game had little meaning in the tournament. Neither team played like it didn't care, though. As the wind and rain pelted the field the Israeli Zone D slowed the German attack, but their patience and quality disc movement made for some very long, very impressive points. Israel pulled away on the strength of their D and some sweet hucks, and took 11-5.

Today is semi-finals and finals day for the U17 boys. Italy-France meet the winners of Germany-Israel. Very exciting for the U17's. A real chance to be European Champions by the end of the day.

Junior Women played Latvia and a rematch with Russia. Both games seemed to play out similarly. We took the first few points to establish a lead, they scored some and we took the half comfortably ahead. The second halves of both games turned 180 in the other direction. The Russia game came down to a hotly battled universe point. Finishing bottom of the group, Israel plays today against Finnland and Ireland for placement. (Note: This coach is still in a funk, please read the preceding paragraph with that in mind.)

Today's schedule calls for rain in the afternoon. Most of what I own is wet already, so it's no big deal.

Everyone has two games on the schedule today, and with the U17's battling for Gold today could get exciting.

Check out twitter (israelultimate) for real time updates. Again, sorry for the brevity of these posts, but logistics are not in our favor and the tournament isn't recording stats. :(

הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ש' אוגוסט 18, 2012 2:55 am

Another crazy day of last schedule changes and adjustments.

The U20's were are a new playing site a little farther away from campus because of the damage caused to the fields by hundreds of cleated teenagers and the worst storm Ireland has seen in 25 year. They beat Australia with a good zone D. (I've been asked to mention that Yaron scored the first 5 goals. Obligation fulfilled) That led to a 9/10 placement game rematch against Japan. Japan jumped out to a lead, to have Israel climb back only for Japan to really put their stamp on the game. Coaches comments: "The team was very impatient."

That's a 10th place finish out of 20 (I think) and three above their initial seed.

The U17 boys opened the day with a semi-final rematch with a strong German team. Today, unlike yesterday, the weather was cloudy without too much wind and with no rain. Without the weather balancing things out, the Germans were able to secure a place in the final and drop Israel to the third place game.

The third place game against France started off shaky with France taking an early 4-1 lead. Israel regrouped and ended up taking the game and the Third place 10-8. A medal!!!

The Junior Women opened the morning upset with a schedule that wouldn't allow them to see any of the two boys teams games. Little did we expect that once we got to the fields we were told our last game of the day had been canceled so the U17 boys final could be held on that field. So then we thought we could watch it, but then the U17 didn't make their final. :(

With their Ireland game canceled, the Women put all their focus onto Finland. Well, most of it. The first couple points looked awful, with the girls barely running or cutting. After a time out to clear the cobwebs and re-commit to the game, the women stormed out to take the half 8-4. After Finland took a point back to start the second half, the Israeli Women closed the door with a 13-5 final score.

Without the final game of the 13-15 place pool (Israel vs Ireland) I think it's safe to assume that we will finish in at least a tie for 13th place. Slightly below our 10 seed, but this was a much less experienced team than last years.

Tomorrow we have the U17 girls, Junior Women and Junior Open finals. Then we return to the hostel for a night and the next day head to the airport.

Congratulations to all the Israeli players. They all played their hearts out. Extra congratulations to the U17 Open team on the medal.

Can't wait to get home, and never want this to end at the same time.

הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי Dori » ג' אוגוסט 21, 2012 8:31 pm

Hey Abe,
Great updates...wish I could be there with you guys....
Are you back yet?
Go with Your FLOW
סמל אישי של המשתמש
זורק ספין על
הודעות: 6336
הצטרף: ה' ינואר 08, 2004 10:19 am
מיקום: Tel Aviv - Israel

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ג' אוגוסט 21, 2012 11:23 pm

Dori, Thanks.

We got back to Israel yesterday morning. Since my last post, there weren't any Team Israel games, but we did get to watch some good finals matches at a local stadium.

After a nice showing in the U17 Women's final we had the U17 medal ceremony where our U17 boys got their bronze medal.

The Colombian boys then took on the Americans. It really didn't look very close from where we were sitting. The US team was clearly the better team, but that didn't stop the Colombians from giving it their all, and there was some fantastic and athletic ultimate from both sides.

The Junior Women's final was also a USA vs Colombia game, but the Colombians took the championship in the end. A strong back and forth game where the women were able to show off their athleticism too. There was a scary moment when one of the Colombian players landed on her back after a collision in the middle of the field. She was taken to the hospital, but reports are that she was back with her team by dinner time.

A fantastic week of Ultimate. The Israeli U20 boys and girls played their hearts out and learned a lot about what we need to work on to make the jump to the next level. The U17 boys made us all proud and now have a taste of glory that will only make them hungrier next year.

I want to say thank you to everyone who helped us put the trip together - coaches, parents, and a whole host of people who donated their time to help us both before and during the trip. A special thank you to all the players who played as hard as they could despite the heat, the rain, the mud, and the sometimes lopsided scores.

Not to be getting ahead of myself or anything, but we are going to be having tryouts for the 2013 teams in November, so I suggest everyone under 20 get throwing and running to be prepared.

Until the next tournament -
הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: בהצלחה לנבחרות הנוער בדבלין

הודעהעל ידי Dori » ב' אוגוסט 27, 2012 11:32 am

סרטון היילייטס מהתחרות

Go with Your FLOW
סמל אישי של המשתמש
זורק ספין על
הודעות: 6336
הצטרף: ה' ינואר 08, 2004 10:19 am
מיקום: Tel Aviv - Israel

חזור אל אולטימייט- שיחה חופשית

מי מחובר

משתמשים הגולשים בפורום זה: אין משתמשים רשומים ו 63 אורחים