Windmill Windup 2012

מה שבא בנושאי אולטימייט

מנהל: אחראי Ultimate

Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ו' יוני 15, 2012 3:01 pm

Hello Israeli Ultimate Fans.

It's the summer tournament season, so I'm back to updating with the goings on of Israeli teams abroad.

Right now The Israeli Mixed National team is playing their way through the crowd in Amsterdam at Windmill Windup.

The tournament is set up as a Swiss Draw, so we won't be able to know too far in advance who Team Israel is going to play next. In this version of the Swiss Draw each team gets points based on point deferential. (win by 5 and you get 20 points, loose and you get 10) After each round the teams are re-ranked based on their points and then are paired up with a team they haven't yet played next to them in the updated rankings.

On top of that, the scoring system they are using at the tournament,, crashed last night. It seems to be back now, and Team Israel's score from it's first game is listed as 12-10 over Rebel Ultimate, from Ireland. (They were probably quite distraught over Ireland's loss last night in the Euro, making them the first team eliminated) There are no stats breaking down the games like there were at EUC and EYUC last summer. :(

If I'm reading the schedule correctly, they should be finishing up their second game as I type. You can check out their results on their Leaguevine team page:

Lets hope they keep up their winning start!!

הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי MikePres » ו' יוני 15, 2012 7:48 pm

it seems that today they won 2 matches out of 3, and the one they lost was only by 1 point!
nice job! the next game is tomorrow at 7:30 (AM, local time? i don't get it)

on another note: i don't know if this is the best place/time to ask this but - what actually makes a team become the national team? and what's the meaning of the "mixed" in the current one's name?
Keep it Real on the Flip Side
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הודעות: 22
הצטרף: ש' יוני 02, 2012 10:04 pm
מיקום: קרית ביאליק

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ו' יוני 15, 2012 11:01 pm

As Mike already noted, our guys and gals went 1-1 in rounds two and three. Round Two was a one point win over Outernationals from Germany, and Round Three was a one point loss to Stockholm Syndromes from... Stockholm of course!!

That gives them a +2 score differential, which I think should be somewhere in the middle of the pack. For all the Douglas Adams fans out there, Team Israel finished the day with 42 points. I can't seem to find anywhere online an up to date ranking, and without that, or going through every match, it's hard to say how things stand. The match tomorrow morning is scheduled for Quijotes+Dulcineas from Madrid, Spain. The also went 2-1 today, but with larger margins of victory and loss and 49 points, for what it's worth.

If I am reading the tournament schedule correctly, after Quijotes+Dulcineas Team Israel will have one last game in the seeding round. If they can pull themselves up to the top 8, they will move on to the quarter-finals. Otherwise, they will continue playing in the Swiss Draw pool for three more rounds.

To answer Mike's questions in reverse order: "Mixed" is a division. The three divisions in most Ultimate competitions (Leagues, Tournaments, Championships) are "Open", "Women" and "Mixed". "Open", as it's name implies, has no restrictions on gender. "Women", also a very descriptive name, is only open to female players. "Mixed", not only allows for both genders on a team, but actually sets rules for how many may be on the field for each point. At the beginning of each point the receiving or offensive team declares whether they are putting three or four women on the line for that point and the defense must match up accordingly. There are also age based divisions, including Youth and Masters. Generally, because of physical ability, "Open" is synonymous with "Men" similar to most team sports. In places like Israel, where there are not enough players to create separate divisions we play everything "Open" mixing genders and ages without restriction. At PassOver 2012, for example, nearly every team played with both men and women, youth and adult players. Hopefully, some day soon, we will have enough Ultimate players in Israel to separate into divisions.

That turned out to be a longer answer than I expected. I'll try to get to Mikes other question in tomorrow mornings update.

In the mean time: Get some sleep, and good luck tomorrow Team Israel!

הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי Dori » ש' יוני 16, 2012 1:21 am

Thanks Abe,
Keep up the great updates!!!
btw, you can use the LTR1 tag to align your posts LEFT TO RIGHT
Go with Your FLOW
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הודעות: 6336
הצטרף: ה' ינואר 08, 2004 10:19 am
מיקום: Tel Aviv - Israel

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי MikePres » ש' יוני 16, 2012 1:54 pm

Thanks Abe!

Dori, what's the difference between LTR and LTR1? i used LTR so far...
Keep it Real on the Flip Side
סמל אישי של המשתמש
הודעות: 22
הצטרף: ש' יוני 02, 2012 10:04 pm
מיקום: קרית ביאליק

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ש' יוני 16, 2012 3:51 pm

Mike, I was going to ask Dori the same thing. Dori - One of these days I'm going to remember to use LTR(1) without you...

Well, Team Israel pulled off their largest win so far, a five point victory over the Spanish team Quijotes+Dulcineas. By my calculations Team Israel is sitting on 67 points. (also, last night i was way to tired to be doing simple math... that was 47 not 42 points. Sorry Douglas)

And that will bring up at match against the Polish Team, Furious Goats. According to the scoring website, they opened with two big wins but lost their next two.

With three wins out of four games, I think it's safe to say the Team Israel is in the top half of the table. What do they need to get a spot in the quarterfinals? I have no idea, but a win by a significant margin could/should do it. Fingers crossed!

All this talk, and with so little information... but there are pictures!!

Skyd Magazine's Pics from Day 1, including some good action shots of Team Israel against what I think is the Outernationals.

This Picasa Album has loads of great pics. Including team shots, action shots, and shots of what Israel does best... Cheer and Dance!

And now to get back to Mike's other question: What make this team a national team? FLOW is the recognized Frisbee body in Israel, recognized by WFDF (World Flying Disc Federation), the Israeli Ministry of Sport, and the Frisbee playing community here. The board of FLOW appoints someone, or a couple people, to put together national teams. That's really it. How are the teams put together? It's a combination of tryouts and invitations. The more people who want to be involved, the more formal the tryout period is. With the Youth National Teams, for example, this year we held three different tryout sessions in the North, Center and South of the country with over 100 players and are taking the best 50 to Ireland in August. (World Youth Championships... stay tuned for that, it will be awesome!) If you want to get involved you can contact FLOW through the main email address - info at flow dot org dot il

Anyone else with questions?

הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » ש' יוני 16, 2012 9:09 pm

Ok, so it looks like the site doing the scoring for Windmill Windup has fully recovered from it's crash the other day. And now we know more about the standings...

After day 1, I calculated correctly (after a revision) 47 points, and surmised that it would put them somewhere near the middle of the table. Actually Team Israel was 10th out of 26 over night. Not bad at all. The win this morning bumped them up to 7th and a match against Furious Goats. A 10-8 loss to the Goats dropped Team Israel down to 12th and out of the quarter-finals. Disappointing for sure, but in a good position for 9th or 10th.

A match-up against Sexy Legs from Estonia returned Team Israel to winning ways 21-11, and a three way tie at 96 points for 10th place. 9th place at the moment is sitting on 102. 6 points may be a lot to get back, but it's not impossible.

Next up tomorrow is Cuck Bronson from Austria. They made a big jump in the standings with a 6 point win today, but may be playing above themselves. After that, it's most likely Rusty Bikes, a local Amsterdam team, to close out the tournament.

In a side note on this mornings match against Q&D, the Spanish team, they just tweeted about their loss to Team Israel. I don't speak or read Spanish, and the tweet is cut off (It's a Facebook post and the link isn't working for me) but Google translates it to something along the lines of: "Tough day but positive. First game: Q + D 7-12 Israel. Party with lots of new zone. The strong wind juice..." Which I think means Team Israel played a tough zone that they hadn't seen before. Nice.

Looks like it was a tough afternoon with the loss to the Goats, but a 4-2 record after six games is nothing to be ashamed of.

Good luck tomorrow!

הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » א' יוני 17, 2012 12:27 pm

Good morning.

Team Israel took it to Chuck Bronson this morning with a 15-4 win. This puts them at 121 points, (5-2) just 5 points behind Q&D (Also 5-2) for 9th overall. They have a solid 11 point lead over Sexy Legs for 10th, so unless something goes horrible wrong, Israel should take at least 10th.

To put that in perspective: 10th out of 26 is very good, and coming with a seeding of 19 we have once again put Europe on notice that they are seeding Israeli teams a little low. Team Israel was just three points shy of 8th after 5 rounds, and within striking distance of 5th. Had a couple points gone the other way, Team Israel quite realistically could have made the cut.

Up next - Cheek2Cheek from Austria. They've had a rough tournament (3-4), but are coming off a big win (15-3)

Bonus: Check out this video. A little Not Safe For Work because Adam curses, but Team Israel represents. I want some action shots.

Last game coming up, lets make it a good one!

הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי adc216 » א' יוני 17, 2012 9:39 pm

Well, that wraps up another tournament for an Israeli National Team. And a good finish at that, a 15-11 win over Cheek2Cheek. That's a 6-2 record and 140 Swiss Points for those of you keeping track at home. All that leads to a 9th place finish. If I'm reading the results correctly (a big 'if') the only team to finish with fewer losses was the eventual winners, Mubidisk from Spain. I also think it is fair to say that if Team Israel had made the top 8, they would have fit right in.

Some pictures from Day 2 (Yesterday)
Best Face
Best Combination Hair & Ears

In other news, Lotus and Freespeed, both from Switzerland, won the Women's and Open divisions respectively. Freespeed went a perfect 8-0 for the tournament, while Lotus were able to avenge their only loss in the final.

If anyone finds any other photo galleries or videos link to them here so we can all enjoy them.

If anyone from the team wants to check in and tell us a bit about how things went from where you are/were... that would be great too!

Until next time... (Which will probably be in August from Dublin) Keep throwing the disc.

הודעות: 39
הצטרף: ב' מאי 03, 2004 1:52 am
מיקום: נצרת עילית

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי Dori » ב' יוני 18, 2012 12:08 am

MikePres כתב:
Thanks Abe!

Dori, what's the difference between LTR and LTR1? i used LTR so far...

Can't tell :)
It is a frisbee secret
Go with Your FLOW
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הודעות: 6336
הצטרף: ה' ינואר 08, 2004 10:19 am
מיקום: Tel Aviv - Israel

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי Dori » ב' יוני 18, 2012 12:19 am

You should become a pro reporter.....great writeups
Waiting for next time

:flow: :flow: :flow:
Go with Your FLOW
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זורק ספין על
הודעות: 6336
הצטרף: ה' ינואר 08, 2004 10:19 am
מיקום: Tel Aviv - Israel

Re: Windmill Windup 2012

הודעהעל ידי Dori » ב' יוני 18, 2012 8:46 pm

טיפה אקשן

Go with Your FLOW
סמל אישי של המשתמש
זורק ספין על
הודעות: 6336
הצטרף: ה' ינואר 08, 2004 10:19 am
מיקום: Tel Aviv - Israel

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